I read through the transcript yesterday and was appalled. You have done a nice job of summarizing it. I am in disbelief that our judicial system has gotten this out of hand.

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I think people should call his office: (713) 250 - 5613 or email his court clerk: cynthia_horace@txs.uscourts.gov and respectfully let him know what a douche canoe he is. We, as Patriots cannot stand by and let this happen. These corrupt, biased judges have got to go! Catherine and Gregg have put so much on the line for our country and this is how they are treated? It is infuriating!

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Thank you for providing this information!

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EVERY city, county, state and federal entity, without exception is corrupt in one form or another. This judge is, IMO, someone who should be impeached Jan 1, 2023 by the new Congress....

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Thank you so much for this work, need to team up with a comic strip artist to put this in Laymans terms for the general pop. I will do my best to get this Judge impeached

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This this egregious behavior for anyone, most certainly a Judge. The bias he shows couldn’t be any more clear, and the contempt he has for Catherine and Gregg is horrid. In this case, words seem to speak as loud as actions, if not louder, and what I from the Judge is he’s not there to see that justice is served, but to protect someone’s interest - and that interest doesn’t seem to lie with the United States of America. Seems a request for a new Judge assignment, at the least, would be in order...certainly this is misconduct.

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There is no doubt Judge Hoyt, which by the way should NOT be a judge in any shape or form is using this as a political motive. He should be thrown off the bench! Nice job capturing the hypocrisy of all of this. Make the phone call you f...ing idiot to LA County! This is all about motives here on the judges part. While true patriots are in jail trying to protect our rights from China and a corrupt CEO who has breached 1.8 million Poll Workers personal information. Didn’t the judge take an oath? What law is he upholding while Eugene Yu is walking free? Maybe if Catherine & Gregg were

liberals exposing voting integrity from Republicans, this judge would not be taking this ridiculous stance.

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This is just crazy! How in the world does this man hold such a position of authority when he so brazenly shows political bias?

I pray that Gregg & Catherine’s appeal will reach a court/judge that will hear the case with an open mind and render a fair and reasonable finding!

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Excellent presentation. Makes me think that I may need to reconsider some of my interpretation of what may be going on here.

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Shared. This is outrageous! The judge is so wrong!

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The things that are happening in this country are so evil ... my heart breaks for them, sitting in solitary when all they wanted was to bring the truth to light. Of course millions of us know the TRUTH!!


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That judge is Obama owned and picked straight out of the garbage! What a POS! Why hasn’t the attorneys filed for a change of judge? Why no filing for change of venue!? That criminal judge should be disbarred for not having recused himself out of a clear lack of impartiality! He is a THUG from the word GO! This seems to be a recurring theme as we have found in the last six years all thanks to OBAMA the first illegitimate president who is now in his third illegitimate term!

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This is effing insane. Hoyt is making Judge Sullivan look like the Rittenhouse judge.

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It is obvious whose side the judge is on. He isn't interested in justice he is driven by his agenda. He is too stubborn to listen to reason, too biased to observe due process, and too politically driven to even consider the harm that could very easily come to those whose names he is determined to make public. He deserves to be removed from the bench.

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Thank you for covering this important case! I hope it brings the unwanted attention that Judge Hoyt is deserving of. Perhaps he can be impeached from his position by the senate.

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Great reporting Sir! Is there anything that we as individuals can do? Call or write our congressman? What beside praying of course...

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