This is awesome Authority! This really helps people on decisions. I hope someone does this in my home state of Missouri.

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Thank you! I wish I had the time to do all 50 states but I am only 1 person.

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Great job my friend. Bravo, I’m very happy to post this on all my social accounts.Warmest Regards, Jeffrey 🌎🕊❤️🇺🇸🌞🌻🙏😇

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God bless you Dr.

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By the way, I'm looking here due to friendly pressure today from the guys on the MG Show!

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HAHA friendly pressure is needed sometimes. Thank you for taking the time to read! o7

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Thanks for this writeup!!

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What about prop #130 re amendment to the constitution to consolidate property tax exemptions?

Thx for this! Very helpful!

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The Arizona constitution requires voter approval to change personal property tax rates. This proposition takes away your rights to approve or reject changes to the amounts of the property tax exemptions allowed in Arizona. The ballot language is misleading: “...veterans with disabilities, widows, and widowers.” Seems very sympathetic, right? But see page 73 of your General Election Publicity Pamphlet. The Senate Concurrent Resolution 1011 (from which this proposition derives) states that the proposition ALSO applies to agricultural and business property tax exemptions.

This means that the legislature will be free to grant more generous exemptions to two of their favorite contributors, big business and agriculture, WITHOUT VOTER APPROVAL.

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Vote no, this means higher tax for everyone else.

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what about the nonpartisan part of the ballot, school board, judges, water conservation dist?

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Many Thanks! This Arizonian is sharing with many neighbors and friends who were unsure on some of the initiatives were. It's a great hand-out as you can't rely on searches to research anything! Great Job!

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what about judges ?

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What about the school governing board? The judges? Any activists? What about the water conservation board. Thanks for doing this!

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Thanks for the info on Arizona. Especially the propositions, which are often very confusing. Do you know anyone who is doing something like this for Oregon?

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The Authority: Please Add Luis Pozzolo 4 Congress to Permanently retire the Marxist CD7. Raul Grijalva

Muchos Gracias!

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Does anyone have the recommendations guidelines for district 8? In Arizona. The district candidates are the ones I don’t always fully know as they aren’t in the spotlight as much-thanks I vote on Election Day in person November 8th.

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Glad to have found this site

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Great job Authority! I hope the citizens of Arizona heed your well researched advice.

Now do Florida... LOL! I just completed my "Ballot Review" last week for my county/ state (Pinellas/ FL) following a similar process. It's something I do every election. Yes, it takes time, it's a process, but it's something that I believe every "CITIZEN" in our "Representative Republic" needs to do, every election. Our VOTE is Our RESPONSIBILITY. Thank you for sharing.

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I have a friend in Arizona who is active in Overpasses 4 America.I shared it so she could pass on your detailed information.Great work Authority!

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Thanks so much for this! I have a question- shouldn’t Prop 211 be a yes vote? Not sure if it’s a typo or if I’m misunderstanding this one? Thanks again!

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Prop 211 Attempts to silence free speech to target and dox private citizens. It ultimately is each voters decision

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Doesn't this work both ways though? Would be beneficial to disclose where that leftist money comes from... too much money in politics btw but 'tis what 'tis.

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The double edged sword.

Although it’s pretty clear we know who the dark money comes from already..

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True. Media will only amplify the disclosures on the right anyway if this passes... 211 will benefit that side really. Thanks!

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Thanks! The problem with this is the wording itself.. confusing by design! I appreciate you putting your time into this and making it easily shareable. A lot of people care but not enough to put 20 mins into it.

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